Ethical Recruitment Brings Success essay

Ethical Recruitment Brings Success essay

It is known that the process of recruitment is of great importance in any organization as it provides an organization with the appropriate candidates from which it is possible to make selection and to fill the available vacancies (Vallance, 1995, p.23).  In our situation, the organization needs 3 more candidates to fill vacancies. The services of the executive recruiter can help this business organization to resolve such important issues as recruiting new specialists. As the executive recruiter offers an opportunity to provide the company with the means of acquiring these badly needed personnel, it will be better to avoid the services of the executive recruiter because his methods of recruitment are unethical and, in some cases, illegal. The discussion of this issue with the CEO and other coworkers can help to find an adequate solution. I am sure that this dilemma should be solved by means of joint efforts. It is clear that it’s unethical to headhunt or steal specialists from the competitors. Moreover, it is unethical to use false pretenses to gain entry to these organizations over the phone. That is why the services of the executive recruiter can lead to the problems with competitors and loss of reputation of the company in the competitive market. Although the executive recruiter is ready to find the appropriate specialists for our organization, his methods are unethical and should not be accepted by our company.

     Moreover, I am sure that it is possible to find some legal methods of recruitment in order to find the appropriate specialists for our company. It is known that recruiting skilled or well-educated employees can save cost because the company will spend less time and money on training process. However, in our case, it is unethical to recruit specialists who work in other companies through various illegal methods (Friend, 2012, para.2). According to Aden Tyler (2011), it is very effective to hire people with the help of the Internet. I am sure that the online recruitment can help to find the specialists for our company who will have the required qualifications (para.1).

     In addition, online recruitment strategy is considered to be one of the most effective strategies in recruitment. It means that “proper staff recruitment and selection determines the present and the future growth of the organization” (Ethical Recruitment Brings Success, 2011, para.3). Besides, it is known that business ethics plays an important role in any business operation. One of the dimensions of business ethics management is to analyze the attitude of a business organization towards its recruitment and selection policies. As recruitment and selection process is related to the field of decision-making, it requires special attention and attitude, and it is focused on the best practice guidelines in order to ensure lack of corruption and prevention of unfair practices. If our organization utilizes the services of the executive recruiter, it is necessary to follow some ethical guidelines: to be honest, to avoid any type of discrimination, and to have respect for all employees. I will try to control the actions of the executive recruiter to further ensure that our organization is in legal compliance. Moreover, I will try to take into consideration the suggestions of other team members for handling the situation.  I will agree with those members who are against ethical and illegal methods of recruitment.