Research Proposal essay

Research Proposal essay

The title of this research proposal is Sole Proprietorship is the Best Form of the Ranching Business. Thesis: Sole Proprietorship of the ranching business provides high quality natural products which have health benefits for the consumers.

The research proposal shows the significance of the study. It touches upon the simplest form of business entity, which can be easily formed and discounted by the farmers. The research paper shows the advantages and disadvantages of this form of the ranching business. It also discusses the organization and main characteristics of this form of business. One more important thing is to represent  so called life cycle of the ranching business which includes four stages such as the entry (financing base, organizing resources), the growth stage (expansion – purchasing or leasing additional land), consolidation stage  (reduction of debts, increasing efficiency), exit stage (risk reduction, income taxes). The research paper represents various methods which were used in research such as  citation analysis, survey methods, historical approach, content analysis, structural analysis and qualitative analysis. In order to answer the research question of the paper it is necessary to use literature review. All the sources which help to reveal the major goals of the research proposal are listed in the paper.