Collaboration among government and community projects and organizations are key to successful relationships essay

Collaboration among government and community projects and organizations are key to successful relationships essay

As a city council person, I would pay more attention to the strategies directed on collaboration among government and community projects and organizations, because this activity could help to enhance community relationships. The two concerns I would address in my community include homelessness and joblessness. I would focus my attention on government support for various community building activities delivered by local authorities to improve the quality of life in the community. I would try to ensure that my strategies are aimed at the government and local organizations which must play a vital role in the designing process and delivery of public services, including such issues as training of jobless local residents to be prepared for new positions. I would collaborate with organizations that deliver employment services. Besides, I would find the proper strategies to solve homelessness problem. In this case, I would collaborate with healthcare organizations and government agencies to support my initiatives on housing the homeless. Actually, minimum wages should be realistic to solve this problem. Steve Cohen and William Eimicke suggest that “recently governments have begun to contract out the provision of services previously carried out by government workers” (104). I would promote such activities as policy analysis, housing management and job training practices.