Drugs essay

Drugs essay

It has long attempted to understand why people bring themselves into a state of intoxication which causes them to be given to voluntary uncontrolled element of madness. There exist many opinions on this account, and we are going to define causes which force kids to try drugs for the first time. The main thesis of this paper is the following: a great wish of kids to try drugs for the first time could be caused by various reasons such as curiosity, bad company, a hope to achieve the state of relaxation, or for a giggle.

Curiosity of a kid is a kind of game, which has the basic principle that ‘I’ll just want to see what it is’. In this case, the arguments of adults seem to kids exaggerated (What do they know about life!). Sometimes exactly parents’ words evoke the spirit of contradiction, and have the opposite effect, inflaming a ‘thirst for knowledge’ and the desire to take the risk. Youthful maximalism absolutely rejects the idea that drugs are dangerous, and yen is insuperable. The kid or teenager is confident in his abilities: taking the drug a couple of times, he could easily give up this dangerous game. As a result, many of these young people will remain at the level of periodic use, but some, due to their psychological and physiological features may be addicted to this poison in the future.

The next cause is a bad company. In this situation the kid is not interested in the pleasure of taking drugs, but in the ability to keep with others, do not be a ‘white crow’. In this case any kid should understand that friends come and go, but their health is singularly, and its future condition depends on today’s actions.

Many young people and even any kid know that different narcotic substances cause various effects such as relaxation, excitement, or state of the entire rest. It is a well-known fact that beginning with childhood and ending with the age of youth every minor detail is transformed into a global catastrophe. Young people become extra sensible to everything all around them and an ordinary quarrel with the parents (or disagreements with friends) turn into traumatic event. Thus, kids try drugs for the first time for the purpose to forget problems, to deny existing reality or to avoid making of decisions. Drugs give people a long-awaited illusion of freedom, a sense of confidence and simplicity; drug users leave their worriers somewhere very far away, almost in another world. The worst thing in the way of ‘consolation’ is the reluctance to return to reality.

For a young person the world is full of novel and curious; moreover, both young people and little children want to find people whom they will be fun and easy. If adults cannot organize leisure for their children, cannot help them to find interesting things to do, but only impose them hated piano or paint, they will push their children to the company, where drugs are the best way of entertainment. And no one will notice, when an ordinary girl or boy becomes a drug addict seeking the next dose.

In conclusion, we have observed several reasons why kids try drugs for the first time and explained each of them with all necessary details. To sum up, curiosity makes kids to try something new in their life, bad companies force to be similar to others, home problems or some disagreements with friends demand for the entire rest and escape of surrounding reality, while the absence of hobby provokes children to use drugs for a giggle.