Captain’s Essay

Captain’s Essay

In response to the upcoming fundraising event, our project team would like to suggest the table decoration and the fundraising event plan.

The table decoration will mirror the event plan and main theme – the fundraising for the college. The table will be decorated with books such as books by Machiavelly, Adam Smith, Ty. Jefferson, Du Bois and others.

The plan of the event will include the opening of the event, main events, and closing the event, when guests have to take a decision on their donations.

The opening of the event will contain the presentation of the college.

The guest star of the evening will be a graduate of the college, who has reached the tremendous success. The guest star will deliver the speech during the evening telling about his/her achievements and the contribution of the college to his/her success and professional career.

Furthermore, the event will contain brainstorming competitions prepared by students of the college. Students of each course will prepare a competition on any subject of their interest. Visitors of the event will be divided into teams, visitors occupying one table is a team. Students will pose their questions or present their problems which visitors will have to respond or to solve. Participants of the competitions will have an opportunity to donate some money, while the winner or winners of the competitions will take 50% of the money collected from the competition donations, while 50% will go to the college.

At the end of the event, the project team will present the plan of the development of the college in the five years to follow. The plan will contain specific areas which need investments and which are essential for the development of the college and provision of students with the high quality education.