Essay on Holocaust

Essay on Holocaust

To begin with, let’s remind that Genocide is often defined as systematic killing of a racial or cultural group. This horrible phenomenon is one the most terrifying experiences of humankind. In fact, history knows several genocides against different cultures and nationalities. However, Holocaust is recognized as the most horrible one, due to amount of innocents’ deaths and  Jews’ general persecution.  Except, physical and moral sufferings, Jews experienced disrespect to their culture. There is the attempt to draw analogues between burial ritual in Jewish tradition and Nazi’s treatment to dead Jews during the Holocaust.

It is well known fact that life of each individual is the core value in Judaism. However, death isn’t  abhorred. It is the significant for Jews and perceived as essential part of God’s plan. Thus, authentic culture is full of respect to burial. In this order there are some inherent rituals, stated both by tradition and law. After legal, cultural and communal norms analyzing, the list of burial ritualswas outlined. Let’s take a brief look. At first, it should be said that funerals prescribed to be hold at the shortest terms. Commonly, the entire ritual has to be carried out within day of death. There are exceptions when relatives’ arriving requires more time. From the moment of death, the bodyshouldn’t be left alone until the end of entire burial. This ritual is used to show respect to dead person. Then,thorough washing of deceased is required. Every Jew has to be buried in white shroud. In addition, presence of deceased’s relatives is mandatory. Moreover, Jewish law states that relatives have to treat their clothes as the symbol of huge loss. One more legal requirement is related to words, which have to be recited by each Jew who heard about the death. In English, they soundlike: “Blessed be the one true Judge”. To before noted specifics, the rituals of burial denycremation as it is determined as the great sin. The Jewish law states that body of deceased should be buried in simple wood coffin. Desirably, some holes should be drilled in it.  To sum up, the entire burial Jewish ritual is featured by deep respect to deceased body. The point is in strong faith in life after death and this part is significant of nation’s culture.

Being clear with the specifics of Jewish burial ritual, let’s go to Nazi’s treatment to dead Jewish during the Holocaust in Poland. It is stated that total disrespect even to sacral values of oppressed nation was the part of entire Genocide policy. Poland used to be the center of Nazi’s genocide repressions. Several death camps were established there: Belzec, Majdanek, Auschwitz, Treblinka etc.. Counts sounds terrifying, but more than 3,001 Jewswere killed during Holocaust in Poland. Nazi’s aversion to innocent people was manifested both while people were alive and after their death. It is not a secret that most of Jews were killed in gas cameras. This method was among Nazis as “special treatment”. After the death, Jews were burned in special crematoriums. The terror of Nazis was also spread to Jewish cemeteries, which experienced inhuman vandalism during Holocaust in Poland. More than several hundreds of them were destroyed by Nazi aggressors. Regarding these facts, repressions against Jews had multiple nature. Except, inhuman physical and mental suffering,  indispensable foundations of Jewish culture and faith were inhumanly violated. Fortunately, modern humanity aimed by intention of memory’sperpetuate about victims of horrible tragedy. Poland is not the exception. Appropriate policy is manifested by careful attitude to monuments of that times. The large Jewish heritage intended to be the kind of notification to prevent horrible tragedy in future and to pay tribute to millions dead. Large efforts were extended in this field. Several cemeteries hundreds were restored, plenty of reburials were implemented. In addition, there are numerous memorials and monuments, to awake common sympathy. The state of Poland carries out reasonable policy about public enlightenment in appropriate issue. Several official events dedicated to the memory of Holocaust victims are annual. It is important, they have mass and international nature. Plenty of other examples can be claimed. Unfortunately, even such comprehensive care about the heritage cannot fill the pain tragedy of millions people’s deaths.
As for visited sites, three of them were the most impressive with unique influence for me. These are Auschwitz, Belzec and Majdanek death camps. Why it is so? I cannot say exactly. Seemingly, they are outstanding with horrifying atmosphere. In this order, all three sites are similar to each other. The differences of architectures are fully compensated by the similar feel of engendered sympathy. Kept originality is helpful to experience a little part of horror, devastation and oppression, which Jews had to accept there. It is also should be stated that all three monuments of humans’ suffer have installed memorial boards with the names of killed innocents. Probably, they were established to show the respect to deceased people, who were not commemorated in accordance with Jewish traditions. Without a doubt, such sites visiting is the most suitable to feel the horror of greatest world tragedy. Reading books and remote studying are not capable to be likewise impactful with educational effect. In this order, public intentions to historical heritage securing is worth to be encouraged and praised. There is the view that Poland’s policy about Holocaust victims memorialization is worth to be called the perfect symbiosis of affective measures. Obviously, mentioned historic originality of monuments has to be lined out. Therefore, they are not just somearchitecture works. These monuments are full-fledged museums, with inherent ability of education providing. At the same time, visitors allowed for history touching, with concrete and credible names, facts and visibleevidences. Talking about visited sites, we cannot stay away from organizing issue. It is considered that Poland’s experience in Holocaust memorialization has to become widely adopted example all over the world. There is the harmonious combination of state’s and public intentions. As the result, the field is supported by different sides, what leads to common benefits obtaining. Poland was the center of Nazi Holocaust and statepolicy is free from this fact conceal. Considerably, only common striving is capableto raise decent attention of society. The responsibility shouldn’t be taken just by officials or public organizations. There is the need in common teamwork. However, even combined dedications are not enough to make amends to terrifying tragedy’s losses.