Essay on how to be a good active listener

Essay on how to be a good active listener

My essay will show the audience how to be a good active listener. The reason why they are will consider learning becoming a good active listener is because my target audience is students and they need to learn successfully through adequate perception of learning material, especially, when they perceive learning material through listening. I will motivate my audience to learn good active listening by showing them that mastering this process will allow them to meet their needs and wants which include good active listening skills to learn successfully and reach academic success through active listening, which can help them to comprehend and to retain in memory issues that are important in their learning or professional development and to communicate effectively with educators. I am a credible source on this subject because I have an extensive experience of learning in the course of which I have learned that active listening skills are crucial for the overall success of my learning. The three stages involved in good active listening include comprehension of the information through analyzing the information with the help of questions to the speaker, retention the information in the memory of the listener through imaginative thinking and associative thinking, repetition, revision and discussion of the information and use the retained information in the course of communication through using retained information in discussions.

The comprehension of the heard information is crucial for good active listening, which involves hearing the information from the speaker, perception and evaluation of the heard information. At first, individual should hear the target information. The next step is perception of the information. At this stage, an active listener should attempt to understand the heard information and process it in such a way that he or she can make judgments on the heard information and comprehend it. Active listener may ask the speaker questions to be able to understand the information properly. For instance, if student learn new information, they may ask their teacher questions to get a broader view on the issue discussed in the classroom. In such a way, they understand what the teacher wants them to learn.

On completing the comprehension stage, active listeners should retain the heard information in memory. In fact, the retention of the information in memory is crucial. Otherwise, the heard information becomes useless. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the better an individual comprehends the heard information the easier it will be to retain this information in memory. In fact, the main point is to understand the information. For this purpose active listeners should understand the information properly. Then, active listeners should develop associative links to retain the information better. For instance, an active listener can create a picture in his or her imagination, where each element of the picture is associated with a piece of information learned by the listener. For instance, an active listener will learn such simple formula as 2*2=4 like two dogs*two dogs= four dogs. The associative thinking is helpful for the retention of the information but active listeners should revise and repeat the nformation. For instance, active listeners can discuss information they learned in the classroom from their teacher with their peers after classes. Thus, they will revise and repeat the learned information and discuss it to retain the information better.

Finally, good active listeners should be able to communicate the learned and retained information to others as well as to use the learned information. In this regard, active listeners should be able to discuss the retained information with their peers and other people. At the same time, they should be able to make their own judgments about the retained information to discuss the information with other people. In addition, active listeners should be able to communicate the retained information to people, who are competent in the field related to the heard information. For instance, students learn information from their educators. As they comprehend and retain the new information, they should be able to present this information in comprehensible and plausible way to their educators as well as other people interested in the subject. In such a way, active listeners should be able to communicate the heard information effectively. The communication is possible through understanding of the information by active listeners and retention of the information in the memory.

Thus, mastering good active listening my target audience will enjoy short-run and long-run benefits. In fact, the system of active listening is as simple as that: active listener perceives the information from the speaker, understands it, retains in his/her memory, and communicates it to other people. To comprehend the information the active listener should ask questions to the speaker to understand the information properly. Next, the active listener should retain the information in his/her memory through associative thinking, repetition and revision. Finally, the active listener should communicate the information he/she heard in his/her own words to make it comprehensible to other people. In such a way, active listening may be very effective.