My Interests in Biology essay

My Interests in Biology essay

It is known that education plays an important role in the life of any individual. It gives an opportunity to develop personality and gain specific skills, to get profound knowledge and experience in order to apply them practically in the future. As for me, my major goal is to study Biology in order to get appropriate knowledge and skills required for my future profession.

My interests in Biology are closely connected with human anatomy and physiology. I’d like to learn how the human body works and to explore the structure and functions of human body. It is known that a human body is a so called “perfect machine” each part of which is specially designed to perform its own function.1 The study of Biology will give me an opportunity to learn more about the cavities of the human body and their contents, including the cranial cavity that contains the brain, the thoracic cavity that contains the heart, the lungs, the air passages, the food pipe, the abdominal cavity that contains the liver, the stomach, the kidneys and other organs, and the pelvic cavity that contains the reproductive organs, the rectum, and the bladder. Moreover, I know that the human body is built of living cells.2 The study of Biology will help me to get profound knowledge on the structure of cells, and their functions.

Besides, there are a lot of advantages of knowing these topics. First of all, this knowledge will be of great importance in my future profession. I will be happy to help people to solve their health problems, to find out the major reasons of malfunction of some organs in the body and to offer appropriate treatment methods. Secondly, I will be able to use this knowledge in my future scientific work. I am going to investigate the function of human organs and systems. It may be I will be able to make some contributions to scientific progress. As I am a person of strong character who always tries to achieve the established goals, I am ready to connect my life with Biology and to succeed in my future career. I know that the study of Biology is not an easy task, but I will try to do my best to succeed in the academic process.

Moreover, I have already got some knowledge in Biology concerning the function of the main systems of the body, such as skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, respiratory system, circular system, digestive system, and reproductive system. I can easily differentiate different types of joints and muscles. However, the most interesting topic for me is nervous system that consists of central nervous system and autonomic nervous system.3 The brain as the most important part of central nervous system arouses my interest.4 Moreover, I consider that this part of human body should be more thoroughly investigated as a lot of diseases are closely connected with malfunction of this part of central nervous system.