Personal Development Essay

Personal Development Essay

Currently almost all countries report the lack of professional nurses. Technically, this is happening due to better healthcare and growing number of elderly people (Cowen & Moorhead, 2006, page 27). However, the reasons why the society is lacking nurses are not purely technical – the nursing profession involves a lot of stress, requires proficiency in many areas of knowledge, and, what is most important, this profession is appropriate only for those people who share the spirit of nursing. A person cannot simply perform the necessary medical operations to become a good nurse, because nursing, above all, means unconditional care for the patient, readiness to help, and devotion. Nursing is a calling rather than a profession. At the same time, it is very rewarding, and the process of helping people to recover, being able to lead them into a new, healthy life, is what inspires me in my learning process and gives energy to continue professional development.
As I am approaching graduation, thoughts of strengthen a true career in nursing come to my mind very often. I know that a new nurse should think very seriously about his/her career goals. “These include long-term as well as short-term goals. As with any path of life that an individual takes, it is not random. Each person that seeks an education does so with a set of plans and directionality for their immediate and long-term goals. The idea of graduating from a nursing program once again dictates to me as a graduate that plans once again must be laid for the road ahead. Nothing worthwhile doing is done haphazardly. All things require preparation. Before I contemplated going into the nursing field, I knew certain pre-requisites had to be completed beforehand. Graduating from a nursing program is another transition phase that must be approached with the same dedication and planning” Kimmel N.L. R.N., Ph.D.
“Everyone will have their own unique career goal paper.” Kimmel N.L. R.N., Ph.D., C.H.M.M.
In my first personal development plan, I outlined what brought me to the nursing field, and how I would carry out my short-term nursing goals as a nursing student, and also pinpointed my long-term goals. While collecting evidence of my achievements, several questions came to my mind; one of them is: “has my plan changed?”
After passing several exams, such as dosage calculation and ATI Pharmacology and so far all my quizzes and assignments and moving further in my professional preparation, I have realized that this plan needs some amendments and that several steps and skills should be added.
My short-term career goals have not changed. I have come to the conclusion however, that time management should be added to this plan, in the sense that time management will help me do not only the things I have to get done, but also, the things I want to finish in a definite time. I understand that managing my time properly and efficiently will put me in control of my nursing student life rather making me slave to it. Also, I should already start looking for the place where I could practice as a medical-surgical nurse. Thus, one of the steps to be added to the plan is the search for a hospital or a clinic where I could practice my nursing skills after passing the state board exam.
In addition to this, I decided to expand my long-term goals and decided to include the licensed practical nurse (LPN) to registered nurse (RN) bridge program which will be perfect for me as a nurse because I want to take my education and career to the next level. As this type of program will cover essential information that is sure to show up on the NCLEX examination. I am planning to combine working as medical-surgical nurse and preparing for this exam. One more issue to add to long-term goals is the search of a preparatory program for this exam (which is likely to be found at medical educational institutions.)
Factors influencing the realization of the plan
I have already started implementing my short-term career goals such as passing the tests and examinations, and I am highly motivated to follow my personal development plan in the future. Currently I am preparing for the rest of the exams and, most of all, for the state board exam. After passing two exams, I have realized that in addition to effective learning techniques, I need to develop methods for refreshing knowledge. After discussions with my group mates, I have decided to use visual memorizing schemes and to write short theses for every theme and subject. Also, I have found out that I need more hands-on experience with core nursing skills, and I plan to devote all my time when in clinical settings, and be the front-liner when it comes to help and participate in all aspects in providing care for patients. I also plan to find some time working with mannequins and operating in simulated environments close to real working conditions (Cowen & Moorhead, 2006, page 49). This step is also added to my personal improvement plan.
In order to implement my plan, I will also need certain support of my family and school. I would like to join a highly motivated learning group in order to exchange knowledge and experience, practice advanced nursing skills and learn new medical approaches. Currently, I have not identified such a group, and I might need school support to research what advanced activities are taking place, and what is required to participate in these learning groups. For reaching my long-term career goals, I also need financial support of my family since I will have to devote a lot of time to improving my clinical skills and preparing for the certification.
Planning for obstacles
One of possible obstacles in reaching my objectives are financial problems. In case of another recession or negative events in my family financing problems might emerge. In this case, I will devote more time to working as a nurse or helping in hospitals and clinics, saving money for further learning, and will have to expand the time frame allotted to the points of the plan. However, in case of financial problems I will still accomplish my goal, although it will happen later than expected.
Also, if my family status changes, I will have to devote more time to the family, this will also cause a certain time delay in continuing my education and taking the certification exams. However, in this case I would continue working as a nurse and developing my practical skills according to personal development plan, and will also apply these skills for helping my family, if such a need appears.
It is not possible to foresee all potential obstacles, but I am sure that I will stay devoted to the nursing profession, and will be driven to become a better professional because nursing inspires me and gives the passion to help people and to do it in the best way.
Before choosing the nursing profession the term “spirit of nursing” seemed rather profession-related to me. After starting my professional development and especially during practical sessions, I have realized that nursing is more than medications and skills, it is a certain worldview, and it requires a great love and care for all human beings, and huge willingness to help. “Nursing is an art,” said Florence Nightingale (Timby, 2008, page 21), and I completely agree with her. The spirit of nursing is that driving force that moves me to become better in my profession, and to devote all my heart and soul to helping people.