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Simple Electric Motor Essay

Electric motor is an electric machine (electromechanical transducer), in which electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy, producing heat as the side-effect (Hughes 45). Universal collector motors are used in industrial and household electrical equipment (electric tools, fans, refrigerators, juicers, meat grinders, vacuum cleaners, etc.). They are designed to work both from DC (110 and […]


Organizational Behavior Interview Essay

Deborah Kingsley is the head of the Organizational Development department in one of the most respected publishing houses in Minnesota, Place in The Woods, Golden Valley. Deborah joined the company in 2003, being still a student and dreaming to publish books for children. Thus, she visited one of the annual book fairs in Minneapolis where […]


The disadvantage of studying abroad Essay

In the current essay we will review the disadvantages of studying abroad, especially for the international students from other countries with different cultures. There are different disadvantages of studying abroad, especially for the international students from other countries with different cultures who want to study in U.S.A. In the world of globalization the student exchange […]


The development of the prototype

The development of the prototype starts with the development of the idea what the prototype and its implementation will serve for. In this respect, I decided to focus on practical aspects of my development. This is why I decided to elaborate the project of a calendar, which allow me to organize and schedule my working […]


Social Data Management Essay

Today, the emergence of data makes organizations overwhelmed with information that raises the problem of effective information management. This problem has become particularly significant since the emergence of social network and the introduction of Web 2.0 technologies. Traditionally, organizations and specialists deal with structured or unstructured data but the development of Web 2.0 technologies and […]


The Use of the ADDIE Model in Instructional Design Essay

Instructional Design is one of the main functions of any teacher. It is a preliminary design of main parts of the forthcoming activities of students and teachers. The ADDIE Model, which is a traditional model of curriculum development, can help a teacher to design the necessary programs, systems, processes or situations. To start with, the […]


Ethical and Professional Issues Essay

Explain the importance of codes of ethics in guiding practices and minimizing misconduct by criminal justice personnel during all stages of the criminal justice process. Codes of ethics are crucial in guiding practices and minimizing misconduct by criminal justice personnel during all stages of the criminal justice process. In fact, criminal justice personnel cannot violate […]


The Cultural History of Hispanic/Latin American Culture Essay

It is a well-known fact that culture is a collection of all kinds of transformative work of man and society, as well as the results of this activity. To paraphrase Hegel, who wrote about art, we can say that culture often serves as the sole key to understanding the wisdom of nations. This definition leads […]